Starter Fertilizers


Starter Liquid Fertilizers

NACHURS P-Focus and NACHURS PK-Focus can be placed directly with the seed at planting time. Placement with the seed enables the phosphate to be taken up at the earliest stages of growth. This is the stage at which the young crop’s requirement for phosphate is most critical.
Starter Products

What is a starter fertilizer?
  • Provides the emerging seedlings with essential nutrients which are accessible near the young roots just as the sugars and starches are being depleted from the germinated seed even when planted in cold moist soils.
  • Increases early growth and uniform germination establishing a higher plant population.
  • Early robust seedlings can also better resist insect and disease attacks as well as compete more effectively with early weed pressures.
  • Provides earlier flowering and maturity leading to a quicker dry down.
The greatest yield potential you’re going to have with a crop is the day the seed germinates; it’s downhill from here. The weakest time in a plant’s life is from germination to emergence; the faster the emergence the better. When you lose yield, it will be either in the early development stage when yield is being established or the late development stage when yield is being preserved.
Why choose NACHURS starter fertilizers?
Phosphate is a key nutrient for the establishment of a healthy crop and it is during this early stage that phosphate is the lead contributor to increasing root mass. Once the root mass has been established, the plant is able to take advantage of the nutrients from a base nutrition program.

Other starter fertilizers require time for the dry granular fertilizer to dissolve or for the polyphosphate liquid fertilizers to break down into the plant available orthophosphate form. NACHURS P-Focus and NACHURS PK-Focus seed-placed starter are already in a liquid soluble form and 100% of the phosphate is in the orthophosphate form. NACHURS P-Focus and PK-Focus are very efficient in supplying phosphate for plant uptake.

Using NACHURS P-Focus and NACHURS PK-Focus starter to provide the first ten pounds of plant available phosphate is a proven method to maximize phosphate efficiency and thus yields.
NACHURS Potassium Acetate Technology
NACHURS Potassium Acetate (KA) Technology is a combination of an inorganic salt reacted with an organic acid to form a potassium acetate fertilizer. What makes NACHURS KA unique is in the origination of its organic-based carrier (anion), the acetate molecule. Acetate is a natural plant metabolite that has many important functions within the plant as well as in the symbiotic relationship between plant roots and soil microbes/mycorrhizal fungi. It provides a base in which many plant compounds are thereby formed.

Acetate is also a very important part of signaling compounds (flavonoids, lipochitooligosaccharides, etc.) which promote plant-soil microbe relationships, enhanced defense mechanisms, and increased plant productivity.
Since the carrier portion of NACHURS KA is a natural plant metabolite, it is more rapidly and readily taken up by plants, which in turn leads to increased potassium use efficiency and higher productivity.

NACHURS KA also has a very low salt index and leaf burn potential, thus making it extremely safe for both foliar and in-furrow applications. Including NACHURS KA Technology in a sound, well balanced fertility program will provide the plant with added energy (derived from acetate) which will ultimately lead to increased yield. NACHURS PK-Focus and NACHURS K-Focus contain potassium acetate.

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