
4Rs of Nutrient Stewardship

4R nutrient stewardship is an innovative approach
to fertilizer best management practices (BMPs) to help achieve agricultural sustainability.


According to The Nutrient Stewardship Initiative:
Agriculture is being challenged to maintain profitable farm economics, while meeting the increased product demands of a growing population and responding to increased scrutiny of land and resource management. Agricultural sustainability means addressing economic, environmental and social goals. 4R nutrient stewardship is an innovative approach
to fertilizer best management practices (BMPs) to help achieve agricultural sustainability. The 4Rs imply that there are four aspects to every fertilizer application and it provides an effective framework to assess whether a given crop has access to the necessary nutrients. The four aspects of fertilizer management are interconnected, and none of the four can be right when any one of them is wrong.
Right Source
NACHURS liquid fertilizers use high quality raw materials and are tailored to meet the needs of specific crops.
Right Rate
Seed safe at recommended rates, NACHURS products have a low salt index and are non-corrosive. Each drop has the same ratio or percentage of nutrients.
Right Time
NACHURS fertilizers can be “spoon fed” to crops, allowing for fertilization exactly when required by the plant.

Right Place
NACHURS liquid starter fertilizers are safe placed directly on the seed and will not harm germination.  NACHURS also offers foliar safe nutrition options.

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